Best Business plan award

A year after the first prize and long research and struggles, 3asyR received its second prize, this time for Best Business Plan idea, a product of countless hours of work along with my team: Alex Binopoulos, developer, Vasiliki Chrysovitsioti, graphic designer and Martin I. Petrov, Press and PR officer.

By succeeding in all three phases of the “Mary and John Papajohn Business Plan Awards” competition at the Anatolia College in Thessaloniki, Greece, on the 18th of June 2015, 3asyR was among the 5 Best Business Plan Proposals, awarded with € 4000.

We continue with passion to develop our product and we set the standard higher and higher every time, stimulated by the great feedback and encouragement from all our users.

Mary Tsiana

Founder & CEO

Easily App assists people with reading difficulties to have a smooth online reading experience.


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